BEFORE YOU BEGIN: It is always best to backup your harddrive before you do any removing; though honestly I don't do it for this simple cleaning. It might be a good idea for you to make a backup for the first few times you clean, until you get used to it -- if you follow these instructions FOR SURE everything you delete will be safe. The backup is more to protect you if you accidentally delete the wrong thing unintentionally. This is a very SAFE cleaning! I do it at least every 3 months.CONSERVE ENERGY -- THIS SPEEDS UP YOUR COMPUTER A LOT!Go into CONTROL PANEL > System > Advanced > Performance
You probably have selected "Best for computer",
Change to "Best for performance"
Go into CONTROL PANEL > System > Advanced > Virtual Memory
Is probably set to 480 - 960
Change to twice your ram,
for example: my ram is 256, so 256 X 2 = 512
I set both my min 512 and max 512
Go to Control Panel > Fonts > Delete all fonts that you don't use -- this will give u lots of speed back!
NOTE: If you need to find out how much RAM you have, let me know and I will tell you how to find it.Also, If you don't use your time stamp, you can turn it off -- it will save more energy. I would be glad to tell you how to do that too. Just reply to this blog.
START > Search > All files and folders > type in the box *.tmp then go to Edit at the top of the page > Select All > press Delete (on keyboard)
(if a pop-up says that you cannot delete a file(s) go ahead and highlight above that item(s) and delete manually. You can left click and drag across several together to group them and then click delete.)
START > Search > All files and folders > type in the box ~* then go to Edit at the top of the page > Select All > press Delete (on keyboard)
START > Computer > Local Disc C > Temp -- click on Temp to open > Select All > Delete
START > Computer > Local Disc C > Windows > Prefetch > click on Prefetch to open > Select All > Delete
TO SPEED UP EVEN MORE -- GET RID OF FANCY SCREEN SAVERS:Right click on Desktop empty area
PROPERTIES . Theme > Classic (select)
Screen Saver > none (apply)
Last thing to do: which you should do regularly is go to:
INTERNET EXPLORER > top of the page click on TOOLS > Internet Options >
select OK or APPLY as directed to remove them all.
Shut down your computer and turn it back on -- it should be running much faster.
(John's added a message for you)
Be sure you are ready to chase the computer when it runs faster, it will run off your desk and chase your cats and dog! Just kidding!!!